#MaybeHeDoesntHitYou – But His Emotional Abuse Is Deceptively Disguised
Maybe he doesn’t hit you but he’s used 1 of these 5 devastating abuse tactics to destroy your self esteem & make you question your sanity. Have you heard of gaslighting? It’s a red flag for a manipulative form of emotional abuse.
How To Spot The Early Stages Of Dating Abuse ‘Before’ It Gets Worse
Dating should be fun & exciting with the right person. But when romance turns to fear, it can be isolating & confusing. Especially when they’re ‘such a nice guy’ to the outside world.
Inside The Minds Of Dangerous Personality Types
Have you ever been subjected to emotional or physical abuse by someone you love? Maybe you didn’t even know it was abuse… Thoughts like “What did I do to cause this?” started consuming you. “He seemed to love everything about me…
Book Review: The Gift Of Fear By Gavin De Becker
Being violently attacked is a fear that lurks in the back of every womans mind. It’s an almost inescapable fear. As for every woman who hasn’t personally experienced violence, someone she is close to has. And the worst part is – the messages women receive about violence leave them feeling powerless to prevent it happening to them.
Easy Prey? What Do Violent Men Look For In The Women They Target?
Have you ever wondered why one woman might be marked ‘easy prey’ over another? Why is a petite woman in skimpy clothing overlooked while a heavy-set woman wearing jeans and a t-shirt selected? Although it’s creepy to think about, violent men have an almost uncanny sixth sense when it comes to detecting vulnerability.
Charming & Dangerous – Soulmate? Or a Narcissist in Disguise?
Till death do us part. Ooh the romance that those words conjure up in the heart of every woman! But what if you knew that one of the pre incident indicators for intimate partner homicide, was actually the ‘pace’ of the relationship? Would that set off an alarm bell for you?
9 Warning Signs Your Partner Is Abusive & Outright Dangerous
Is your partner irrationally jealous for no good reason? Does he obsessively text or call you, demanding to know where you are? Does he question you over your every move? Does he control & monitor your activities? If so…
7 Clues You Might Have Just Met A Potentially Dangerous Man
As a woman, one of your greatest gifts is your intuition. Yet why do we hear countless stories from women who have been victims of violent crimes, who ignored their intuition? The very warning sign that was designed to keep them safe…